The Wendy’s Logo And Brand: Emotion Mixed Into Branding

Jan 26, 2023

By:Emily Harper

The Wendy’s Logo And Brand: Emotion Mixed Into Branding

The charming fast-food joint with a grinning red-headed girl has become a gastronomic refuge for millions, but the Wendy’s logo and brand have been through a journey that few know of.

In this article, we will explore the charming mascot of the fast-food chain and how it tells a compelling story through the brand.

The evolution of the Wendy’s logo through the years

The grinning red-headed girl has taken the world by storm. After spreading throughout the United States, Dave took the brand to Canada in 1975, and the rest is history. The brand has enjoyed successful campaigns such as the classic 1984 slogan, “Where’s the beef?”

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It has been years since Wendy’s released its first logo design. The brand has consistently kept the red-headed girl front and center in all its branding.

Critics detest this branding style because it is difficult to employ in modern communication methodologies. The reason for this could be the high level of detailing that went into creating the logo.

Over time, the brand has simplified its logo drastically, but the girl is here to stay. One can only imagine the displeasure of the brand’s loyal fans should they ever decide to drop her from their logo.

1969 to 1971: Wendy’s first


The first Wendy’s logo sported a large wordmark. It comprised the original version of the mascot and a cursive pattern. Below it all, say a large descriptor, which sometimes overpowers the name of the brand. The typeface used for the descriptor led to this tense battle for attention with the wordmark, which was in red and matched the girl’s fiery hair.

1971 to 1975: Hello, slogan


The brand added, “Quality is Our Recipe,” as wrapped text within the placeholder of the mascot. The slogan was jostling for its place, where the descriptor “Old Fashioned Hamburgers” sat comfortably.

1975 to 1978: Bold and bright


By 1975, the brand realized the imposing nature of the descriptor’s typeface and changed it. They even reduced the size of “Old Fashioned,” so that Wendy’s and Hamburgers were the only two words that were legible from afar. A much-needed improvement, but there was so much more to be done.

1978 to 1982: The eye-catching sensation


As color psychology became more prevalent, yellow and red became synonymous with the fast-food category. Wendy’s may have seen this as an opportunity to jump on the bandwagon.

The red wordmark changed to white. It got enclosed inside a red banner with a cursive design and badge. The entire logo was fitted into a yellow container, with the descriptor displayed on the field of yellow.

1982 to 2007: Re-positioning of elements


The progressive improvements and changes in the logo continued into 1982. The yellow portion got changed to red, and vice versa. This logo was the first instance where the badge with the red-headed girl moved above the wordmark.

The cursive pattern somehow made it into this logo as well. A white separator divided this segment from another field of red, on which sat the yellow banner bearing the descriptor.

2007 to 2013: A return to minimalism


The brand finally ditched the descriptor in 2007, retaining only the top portion of its predecessor. It made it much easier to adapt to an increasingly digital world. A black outline traced the perimeter of all units, giving it a modern look.

2013 to today: The one we know and love


With an eye on millennials and a growing number of Gen Zs entering the retail foray, Wendy’s needed to style their logo for the times. The old font was just not cutting it, and there was too much detail in the old badge. The 2007 logo still looked like a fuddy-duddy mom-and-pop store that wasn’t a very cool place to hang out.

And so, in 2013, the brand changed its font and ditched the closed contours of the overall logo. The illustration of the red-headed girl looked more charming and authentic. It was placed inside a circular black outline.

The brand made some portions of her hair flow out of the circular container. It helped make the logo more dynamic and interactive. The Wendy’s wordmark got printed in a sans-serif font with thicker strokes.

👀 Here's a little trivia: Did you know that the collar of the Wendy’s girl reads a word out? Tell us what it is in the comments!

The versions of the Wendy’s logo design

The Wendy's logo has always featured the visage of a red-haired girl, after whom the restaurant company was named, from its inception. But could the famous design be reimagined once again?

Design similar versions of the Wendy’s logo below and take them home for free!

Wendy's logo variation
Click the image to customize this logo
Wendy's logo variation
Click the image to customize this logo

Thanks to a few subtle tweaks, we now have not one but two Wendy’s logo variations to take inspiration from.

So, where did the “Wendy’s” name originate?

Source: Business Insider
Source: Business Insider

Dave Thomas named his restaurant chain after his daughter, Melinda Lou, who was nicknamed “Wendy.” She was only in 3rd grade when the first restaurant in the chain opened, but she quickly became one of the most recognizable little redheads in history.

After successfully establishing its roots within the earliest communities it inspired, the restaurant chain has gone from strength to strength across generations. It has created an increasing number of brand loyalists.

The company prided itself on the quality of its hamburgers but later diversified to serve the health-conscious consumer’s needs with offerings such as salad bars.

How do mascot logos impact business?

The advantage of having a mascot logo is that it gets humanized in the minds of the consumer. When you tweet to Wendy’s and receive a reply, it feels more like a two-way communication with an actual person.

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Emo Wendy's | Source: Ad Age
Emo Wendy's | Source: Ad Age

Consumers tend to trust a person more than a label. Over time, Wendy’s has earned the reputation of being a notoriously humorous Gen Z kid with the responses she delivers over Twitter.

They are witty, tongue-in-cheek, and can border on bold more often than not.

Family matters: The history of Wendy’s

No. Wendy’s did not get its name from the person who created it. Let’s get this out of the way before we proceed.

The story goes that Dave Thomas, the founder of Wendy’s restaurant, was born in 1932. He was adopted by Rex and Auleva Thomas but was raised mainly by his grandmother. At the age of 12, Dave got a job at a restaurant called The Regis, and this is where he tasted the delicious prospect of starting his own business.

Dave Thomas | Source: History By Day
Dave Thomas | Source: History By Day

The restaurant let him go due to layoffs, causing Thomas to join Walgreens. Here he served at the soda machine. Being only 15 years of age at the time, it wasn’t legal for him to work. And so he lost his job.

After this, he joined the Hobby House Restaurant in Indiana. He dropped out of high school and invested all his learning and attention in the restaurant business, with a firm resolve to begin his own venture soon.

At the age of 18, Dave Thomas joined the army. After serving his nation for five years, he returned to his job at the Hobby House Restaurant and helped his boss set up The Ranch House restaurant. He met KFC’s Colonel Sanders in the process and owned four KFC branches.

Dave Thomas with Colonel Sanders | Source: Mashed
Dave Thomas with Colonel Sanders | Source: Mashed

Since these were financially challenging times for KFC, Colonel Sanders commissioned Thomas to revive his ailing restaurants. Dave’s strategy to grow the business paid dividends, with the KFC franchisee breaking even and expanding to newer branches.

Dave Thomas starting Wendy's | Source: Mashed
Dave Thomas starting Wendy's | Source: Mashed

At 35, Dave Thomas finally started his restaurant chain in Columbus, Ohio. He called it the Wendy’s Old Fashioned Hamburger Restaurant. The year was 1968, and the world was exploring new ground in cultural and impactful avenues.

Source: History By Day
Source: History By Day

Since then, Wendy’s has evolved through time, through different logos, different identities, and different strategies. All throughout, we have collectively enjoyed their food and the innate personality they brought through their unique identity.

The fast-food industry changed, and Wendy’s paved the way for new beginnings and joy that surpassed everything we know now.

What are some commonly asked questions about the Wendy’s logo? Get your questions answered with these three FAQs.

1. What is the hidden message in the Wendy's logo?

“Mom.” Wendy's responded to a website that suggested the company was trying to send customers a hidden message by explaining that the word "Mom" appears in the company logo, but that this was done by accident.

2. What is Wendy's brand personality?

As a brand, Wendy's is known for its sassy and opinionated brand persona. Their trademark roasts, in which they insulted competitors and haters, went viral on Twitter in 2017.

3. What's unique about Wendy's?

In the early 1970s, Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas, unveiled the world's first drive-through, which he called the "Pick-Up Window." Customers required guidance on how to talk through the speaker to place an order because this development was so ground-breaking.

Bottom line

If we are to learn something from the story of Wendy’s logo, it’s that brands should never stop evolving and questioning their brand identity. The hamburger joint kept its theme and mascot the same but changed its presentation to the world. As a result, it today garners more trust and love from millions from all over the world.

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More credit should be given to Melinda Lou, the daughter of Dave Thomas, whose nickname was Wendy, for the inspiring personality behind the brand. We’re thankful that the Wendy’s girl hasn’t aged a day and keeps taking us back to the time when we first tasted one of those original hamburgers.

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