How To Pitch Guest Posts: Craft Your Content Podcast With Richard Lau and Kari Amarnani

June 24, 2021

By:Emily Harper

How To Pitch Guest Posts: Craft Your Content Podcast With Richard Lau and Kari Amarnani

Elisa Doucette, the Craft Your Content podcast host, recently chatted with Richard Lau and Kari Amarnani about guest posting and pitching etiquette.

The conversation was about identifying proper methods and perspectives regarding pitching a topic for guest posts and creating a smooth workflow between two parties.

To learn more about the best ways to pitch a subject for our blog (or even generally), you can check out the podcast here. Below are some of the pitching, writing, and editing tips discussed in the podcast.

Genuine Communication

It's easy to get lost in the habit of submitting requests for guest posts. Most platforms take days or weeks to respond, and you're trying to get your content featured as soon as possible. This often leads to a "bulk email" process, where you submit several similar requests in a period.

There is nothing wrong with sending multiple applications, but it is a problem when the request is not personalized for the platform and is just a copy-pasted template. This happens a lot with pitching, and it doesn't help your brand stand out from other guest post requests. The best way to make your guest post emails stand out is to personalize them and write unique messages, which is simple to do with cold email software.

Authentic communication is fundamental in each step of the guest posting process— the beginning, the middle, and the end. It does not bode well to tap out early with a generic email that you have also sent to other platforms. And truth be told, it isn't tough to spot either.

"We want to feel wooed. We want to feel like you haven't sent this same email to a hundred people."

Essentially, you submit a guest post to a platform because you know the kind of value it provides. Your request needs to show how you can be of value to them. You can do this by:

  • Learn more about the brand, such as its history, visions, and missions.
  • Read their pitching guidelines and know you can deliver. Do not agree to their terms if you can't indeed provide the kind of output they need.
  • Curate an application that is just for them and do it authentically. They notice this more than you know.
  • Let your personality shine through. They want to learn more about you and your platform, too!
  • Pitch something that you are genuinely fascinated by and discuss how it would help or impact people if the platform publishes it.
  • Explain why you believe that your values and perspectives match an overall seamless connection that benefits each other.

Credibility And Integrity

Communication is one thing, but what you say and how you conduct yourself is something else. You passed the first step by being genuine with your request. What happens next?

You start building the content piece according to their content guidelines. While making the article, you must never forget that this will be published on another company's website. You represent your respective company to an entirely new market— in another platform that allows you to do it.

This is where credibility comes in. You are not representing one company, but two. Ensure that your research comes from authoritative sources, your information is sound and accurate, and most of all, your content is rooted in integrity.

"If you wouldn't do it on your website, don't do it on somebody else's."

It's common to think about the gains from this sort of promotion, but you are a writer at the end of the day, and your content means something. People will read it, and they should be better off, better informed— truly just better in every sense of the word.

The same perspective applies to the pitching process. Is the subject that you chose something that you have expertise in? Will the topic allow reassurance in people needing answers? Will it help a business grow? Will it lead brand owners to success? What kind of information makes people better at knowing it?

This is the best thing you can do for yourself, your company, and the platform that will feature you. Show the world that you believe in something valuable, something that helps people in their everyday lives and struggles.

Bottom Line: Stand Out From The Crowd

Guest posting is a responsibility. It's not repeated emails, copy-pasting the same texts, and feeding the same lines. It's about finding great blog post ideas that provide value for each site you reach out to.

Each interaction must be meaningful, substantial, and authentic. It may feel like a chore to do this for every platform you submit to, and to you, it might feel like a monotonous procedure. But if you want to do it right, you'll have to put in the effort.

And when you do catch their attention, provide an environment of help, support, awareness, and integrity— for them and the readers.

If you feel like you have these criteria in the bag, then it'll be pretty hard to say no to.

Do you want to contribute a guest post for Check out our content guidelines. We would be happy to accommodate you and your ideas! Email your pitches to [email protected].

We look forward to hearing from you!

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