The 4 Steps To Creating An Amazing 'About Us' Page

December 9, 2020

By:Emily Harper

The 4 Steps To Creating An Amazing 'About Us' Page

There are certain elements that every business or solopreneur needs, such as a great logo, a meaningful domain name, preferably on a new and meaningful domain extension such as.TECH (for technology), .STORE (for eCommerce), .SPACE (for creatives and well...outer space), .ONLINE and .SITE (for a more versatile and open presence), and a website with meaningful information about the business and its products. One of the most important pages of any website is its 'About Page.' It's like a window into the soul of your brand. It allows people to get to know you not just as a business but as a person. It helps them identify with you and connect with you on an emotional and intellectual level. Moreover, showcasing your experience and achievements helps establish you as an industry expert.

However, even the most seasoned of writers struggle when it comes to writing about themselves. This is because the About Page is a delicate balance between your professional journey, your brand story, and your achievements. Assimilating them in an elaborate but not too lengthy, informative, and emotional way can be rather challenging. Every brand and every individual has a unique story to tell, which is why it's challenging to fit the contents on this page into a template. However, with these four steps in mind, you can have some clarity about what story you want to tell and how you could say it in a way that appeals to readers and helps you gain more customers.

Your journey forms an integral part of your professional accomplishments. People want to know where your interests stem from and how you got to where you are right now. Why did you choose to start your blog in the first place? This story doesn't need to be an extended personal essay, nor should it be a sterile chronology of your growth and accomplishments. It should be an accurate, honest, and passionate account of what you do and why you love doing it

Step 1: Create a structure

You're About Page needs to be engaging and concise. Planning a framework before you start writing will help you focus on the essential points and sift out the fluff.

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While it's convenient to use "About Us" or "About Me" as your headline, there's no harm in being a little imaginative. Utilize this space to let people know what you do and why they should work with you right off the bat. For instance, if you're a photographer, your headline can be something like, "Telling your brand's story through captivating visuals."

Lead with what's important

You need to include everything you need to know to get convinced about working with you within the first 4-5 lines. This includes what you do, your USP, and how you can add value to your client's business. If you can manage to capture people's attention in the first few lines, the chances are that they'd like to know you better and will read further.

Your story

Your journey forms an integral part of your professional accomplishments. People want to know where your interests stem from and how you got to where you are right now. This story doesn't need to be an extended personal essay, nor should it be a sterile chronology of your growth and accomplishments. It should be an accurate, honest, and passionate account of what you do and why you love doing it.

Personal details

A few sentences about who you are outside of work allow people a glimpse into your personality, humanizing your business in the process. This could include a little about your family, pets, hobbies, or anything else that you think your readers might relate to. Shared interests and experiences make for great talking points and can add warmth to professional interactions.

Call to action

Once people have gotten to know you better, guide them on what they could do next by adding a call to action. This could be a sign-up form with name and email address for people to subscribe to your mailing list or to receive a reward such as a free eBook or a video. It could be a link to your best work or contact information for people who want to book an appointment. The idea is to urge people to take action while they're still warmed up to you.

Step 2: Write keeping the user in mind.

The way you write your About Page not only makes your content more intriguing and engaging but also gives prospective clients a glimpse of your professional prowess. This isn't something that applies just to writers. The language you use is a testament to your communication skills, which are essential in every profession.

When writing your About Page:

Talk in the first person.

This is your story, and it should be presented in your words from your perspective. Writing in the second person will make the content seem impersonal and even dispassionate. Even if you're not writing it yourself, make sure you work closely with the writer to create a first-person write-up that keeps your unique voice and point of view intact and reflects your personality.

Keep it simple

While the About Page is an excellent opportunity to flaunt your flair for writing, the main idea is to strike a chord with the readers. Make yourself accessible to more people by using simple, conversational language. Use words that evoke emotions in people rather than corporate jargon that is hard to comprehend and curt.

Sound confident but humble

Too much self-praise is off-putting and can make people think that you are overselling. The trick is to talk about your accomplishments in a humbling way, even interspersing them with your struggles. For instance, instead of saying, "I have," say, "I've had the opportunity" or "I have been fortunate." In other words, be confident but also keep it real, even a tad vulnerable.

Step 3: Make it visually appealing.

The visual impact of your About Page is as significant as the words you choose. A write-up presented in a neat layout and readable fonts, supported by relevant visual elements such as high-quality images and colour schemes, gives away a more professional impression about you and your company.


People will find you more credible and relatable if they can put a face to your story. Many people use a representational image or a sketch or a caricature, all of which are great ideas, but a real photograph remains the most impactful. It doesn't have to be something you get particularly prepared for, and neither do you need a professional photographer. All you need is a good quality camera phone, a presentable outfit, and a warm smile.


Use background colours that make the text more readable and are easy on the eyes. Anything too jarring or lacklustre will diminish the impact of the content. As far as possible, use colours that are in sync with the rest of your website and your logo to maintain consistency in branding.


The font you use should be legible and in sync with your brand's personality. The wrong font can take away from the message you're trying to send across. For instance, the About Page of a bank's CEO should refrain from using a playful font such as Comic Sans. Calligraphic fonts look elegant but can often be challenging to read. Use a simple, straightforward, and slightly bold font, one that fits in well with the rest of the page elements.

Step 4: Optimize the page

Once you have prepared your About Page, it's time to optimize it for search engines so that people can find it easily when they look for you or the services that you offer.

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Keyword placement

Search for the most popular keywords relevant to your brand and industry and use them in your headline, introductory line, and first paragraph. Strategic keyword placement plays a vital role in optimizing your page for Google. Make sure to include them in image tags and captions as well. However, keep in mind not to cram in too many keywords. Not only does that reduce the quality of your write-up, but it also makes the search engines suspicious.


The slow loading speed can test your readers' patience, resulting in a high bounce rate. Ensure that your page loads in no more than three seconds by using compressed images, avoiding too much animation or audio-visual elements, and keeping plug-ins to a minimum.


Quality backlinks are among the most authentic ways to gain more organic traffic through search engines. If you have been featured on authoritative websites or have authored posts for other publications, request them to link back to your About Page. Apart from backlinks, it would help if you also linked to other pages within your website wherever relevant.


How you write your About Page depends a lot on your experience, industry, brand image, and audience. Don't hesitate to try out different formats and layouts, such as infographics and videos, if you feel like they resonate better with your brand and your customers.

In the end, it is all about sending the right message and coming across as a warm, bright, and empathetic expert who anyone would love to work with.

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