#BrandInMinutes: An Interview With Sardor Umrdinov Of Home Alliance

May 13, 2022

By:Emily Harper

#BrandInMinutes: An Interview With Sardor Umrdinov Of Home Alliance

In today's interconnected world, the premise of brand-building gets increasingly broader and more hazy. You may be familiar with the term "brand," but do you know what it takes to build one?

Building a brand is a journey of self-awareness, conviction, and finding yourself in your business. Whether you're a CEO, a marketing expert, a freelancer, or even a regular joe, if you want to make an impact, you need to get your branding right.

Every business name and logo you see today is a product of labor-intensive branding.

The business card you received at that executive function didn’t just appear out of thin air. Someone put immense thought and heart into its design before deciding to hand it out for the world to see.

As an entrepreneur, building a brand for your business is a never-ending effort. But know this: The companies that invest in establishing great brands have a substantial competitive edge.

While the rewards are sweet, the journey to get there rarely is. But we want to change that.

Branding can be fun, quick, and easy with #BrandInMinutes

With our Brand Plan, it’s simpler than ever to #BrandInMinutes with our collection of professional branding templates and tools to help you launch the brand you’ve dreamt of for so long.

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The only way to understand the impact of having a #BrandInMinutes is to take a dive into the stories of entrepreneurs who have had to make it happen on their own.

And Sardor Umrdinov of Home Alliance is a perfect representation of this.

We spoke to Sardor about his journey in building his brand for Home Alliance.

Hopefully, his inspiring story can inspire new entrepreneurs, such as you, to take the leap and get your businesses out there.

1. Tell us about your business.

My first job in the U.S. was doing any job I could find after I moved here in 2003.

Whether I was a painter, a waiter, or a cleaner, I've done it all.

I eventually began repairing commercial laundry machines. This is how I got into the appliance repair business.

After a few years, I realized that residential repair services presented an untapped market opportunity.

A lack of quality services provided by local handymen frustrated customers.

Home Alliance began with a simple concept: to provide on-demand same-day service for whatever is broken in your home.

Our company began with appliance repair and grew to include HVAC, air duct cleaning, electrical, and plumbing services.

2. How did you go about building a brand for your business?

You can’t build a brand overnight.

Developing a strong brand requires dedication and commitment. It took a while for us to develop a strong brand identity. It wasn’t just picking a few colors and creating a logo design together on the fly.

Home Alliance logo
Home Alliance logo

I was lucky enough to be surrounded by a team that understood what my vision was and what I was for the company. We came up with a lot of great ideas, but we wanted to stand out and create a logo that describes our mission: to bring world-class service to every American household.

3. In your opinion, how important is it for a business to build a credible brand?

Your brand strategy outlines how, what, where, when, and to whom you intend to communicate and deliver brand messaging. Your company website, for example, is an important part of your marketing and branding strategy.

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Home Alliance website
Home Alliance website

Customers come to your website for a specific reason – they need something from you – and your website should make them feel at ease so they can buy a product or service from you.

If your website is badly designed, you're likely to miss out on opportunities to convert visitors into regular clients.

4. How did you get your first customers?

The majority of our leads used to come from word of mouth.

We earned little or no cost through word-of-mouth promotion. To be honest, it was challenging at first. It wasn't easy to get those referrals or recommendations. Not because we weren't performing well at the time, but because clients were unfamiliar with our services.

We were able to create a lot of referral business by developing a strong brand. Customers are more likely to conduct business with us because of the familiarity and perceived dependability of a well-known brand.

Our company's greatest and most effective advertising strategy, especially once our brand has established itself, is word of mouth.

5. What are your future plans with respect to building your business?

Our primary goal is to maintain constant communication.

Since we have created an effective brand and corporate identity strategy, we need to ensure that it's maintained consistently across all "points of contact" with our customers, such as advertising, signage, and public relations activities. Our employees' involvement is a key aspect of this.

Our employees are the company's most powerful ambassadors. By developing an internal branding model, they will be able to understand and relate to our core brand. This will help them better share our brand message with our customers.

Over To You

Branding has no exact formula to it, but we do know there are a few key characteristics impactful brands have in common.

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And it might be tempting to look at the successful businesses and say, “I’ll take that brand, please!” But what makes a brand work is how it speaks to you.

What makes your business authentically you? Businesses that manage to be true to who they are, what they do, and why they do it are able to create lasting, evolving connections with their audiences. This authenticity is the core of your branding.

What are you waiting for? Shine bright and #BrandInMinutes today!

Start with a beautiful, free logo!

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