LOGO.com Contributor

Mona Molayem

Mona Molayem


About Mona Molayem

Mona Molayem is a millennial-luxury travel blogger and verified influencer with a combined audience of 300k+. Her blog, MonaCorona.com covers luxury travel for a millennial audience who are aesthetically-minded as much as they are free-spirited and in search of new and unique experiences. Mona Corona publishes in-depth travel guides covering the most “Instagrammable” places both on and off the beaten path, while touching on topics that are important to the millennial generation such as responsible travel and ecotourism. In addition to covering luxury hotels and destinations, Mona generously shares her best tips and travel hacks for how to make luxury travel more attainable. While traveling the world full-time, Mona also teaches social media marketing courses through an online learning platform at a fashion college in Los Angeles.

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