More Top Tips for Working From Home

Over-communication. In all senses (and platforms) of the word. Staying connected whilst working remotely is the most important key to success. It is integral not only for the company, but for our own piece of mind. It is vital to keep your team on the same page, as well as motivated. So, I have swapped our weekly meetings for daily digital stand-ups. I encourage the team to call or video conference rather than instant message, different departments to collaborate and to give more updates, share more achievements.

It is easy to forget how much of an impact social interaction has on productivity levels. Without those coffee machine chats or spontaneous team lunches, it can leave you feeling pretty isolated. So, we have created a Slack channel dedicated to bringing home office joy. On it we share links to home workouts, pictures of our ‘home office’ pets and, more recently, we held a funniest WFH photo competition. It is a simple, but extremely effective way to bring the team together during social distancing.